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Beat the Heat – Summer Safety /

During hot weather, we can easily dehydrated or suffer heat exhaustion.

Exposure to high temperatures can lead to life-threatening scenarios such as heat stroke, even for otherwise healthy people. For those with chronic illness, excessive heat can make existing health conditions worse.

Those most at risk include the elderly, pregnant women, infants and children, people taking certain medications or anyone with a chronic or acute illness – like heart disease, high blood pressure or kidney disease.

Here are our tips for keeping safe from excessive heat this summer:

Drink Plenty of Water: Stay hydrated. Carry a bottle of water with you. Avoid alcohol, hot or sugary drinks.

Never Leave Anyone Unattended in a Car: Leaving anyone in your care in a hot car can have catastrophic consequences. If you see someone locked in a vehicle, call authorities immediately.

Stay Cool: Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing and stay out of the sun. Plan to be in air-conditioned environments during the heart of the day or take cool showers or baths.

Plan Ahead: Understand the weather forecast and plan your day to avoid unnecessary exposure. Follow the advice of your doctor around your medication and other health conditions.

Check on Others: Keep an eye out for each other, particularly those who are isolated or vulnerable. Check-in with neighbours, friends and relatives.

The Australian Government have prepared more advice and helpful tips here: Heatwave health tips and information | Australian Government Department of Health

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