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Eastbrooke Raising Awareness in the Fight against Cancer

Cancer continues to be a major health problem for Australians. 1 in 3 men and 1 in 4 women in Australia are diagnosed with cancer before the age of 75, with an estimated 45,700 deaths due to cancer each year.

The most commonly diagnosed cancers are prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer and lung cancer. The prevalence of cancer in Australia means it poses a significant burden to the healthcare system — not to mention the general community, as from current statistics it is viable that most people in Australia will be affected by cancer, either personally or through friends and family that have been diagnosed.

Over the last 3 decades, the survival rate for many different kinds of cancer has increased by 20%, as a result of awareness campaigns, sponsorship and funding that has been dedicated to developing and improving treatments for cancer in the aim to eradicate Australia’s expanding cancer problem.

How you can get involved

In the effort to fight cancer, many health related initiatives have sprung up around the country that aim to raise much needed funds for research. These initiatives have gone a long way towards achieving the success that we have had in terms of understanding the causes of cancer and improving survival rates.

Perhaps the most prominent cancer awareness organisation currently in Australia is “Cancer Council Australia”. Most people will instantly recognise the organisation for promoting and supporting the ‘Biggest Morning Tea’ that is held on an annual basis. All across the country, morning teas are hosted at work, at home or in community areas in order to raise funds for cancer research.

Eastbrooke Medical Centres were proud to support this year’s Biggest Morning Tea that was held on 25th May together with over 26,576 hosts across the country and $3,038,257 raised in donations.



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