Updated Notice of Departure – Dr Donald Paddison
After six years at the Eastbrooke Medical Centre Southern Highlands, Dr Donald Paddison will enter a semi-retirement period and move north to Nambucca Heads. His final day will be Friday, 5 May 2023.
We offer our sincere thanks and best wishes to Dr Paddison, who has always focused on providing the best in patient care to his patients and their families.
In the meantime, the clinic is always attracting suitable and like-minded doctors who are well-placed to provide quality, compassionate and holistic healthcare. The Eastbrooke Family Clinic reception team can help you choose the right doctor for your needs. Your new Eastbrooke doctor can also access your confidential medical file and clinical notes to make the transition seamless.
Please keep in mind that patient billing arrangements are determined by individual doctors and that the other doctors at the practice do not bulk bill. However, we do offer reduced fees for concession card holders.
We congratulate Dr Paddison on his outstanding contribution to our community and wish him well for this next stage in life!