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Eastbrooke Medical
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Notice of Retirement – Dr John Miller

After more than 50 years in General Practice, Dr John Miller will retire on 30 September 2022. Throughout his career, Dr Miller has remained dedicated to the health and care of his patients while making broader contributions to the Eastbrooke team.

The clinic has a dedicated and knowledgeable team of doctors who are well placed to provide quality, compassionate and holistic healthcare. The Eastbrooke Family Clinic reception team can assist you with choosing the most suitable doctor for your needs. To make the transition process easy, your new Eastbrooke doctor can access your confidential patient file and clinical notes to ensure the continuity of care. Please be aware that the other doctors at this practice do not bulk bill. However, there is a Medicare rebate available for each consultation & we also offer reduced fees for concession card holders.

We congratulate Dr Miller on his exemplary contribution to our community and wish him well in retirement!

Dr John Miller has always been a sports enthusiast and this naturally lead to his interest and involvement in Sports Medicine. He believes that the positive aspects of sport such as exercise, fitness, nutrition and relieving stress leads to the prevention of disease. After 22 years of involvement in the sports side of General Practice, he has recently extended his studies into Lifestyle Medicine which is the reversal of Nicotine addiction, alcohol overconsumption, chronic stress and anxiety, poor and inadequate sleep and social isolation.

Speciality General Practitioner
Credentials MBBS ( Hons), FRAGP, Dip(Obs)RCOG, Advanced Cert. Sports Medicine (FRACGP), Member of AASCP and ASLM
Languages English
Special Interests Diagnostic Medicine, Sport Medicine, Smoking and Alcohol cessation, Lifestyle Medicine, Skin Checks and Weight Management.
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