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Update on Eligibility for COVID-19 Vaccines

Last night, following an emergency meeting of the National Cabinet, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a change in eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccination rollout.


The Prime Minister announced that younger Australians over the age of 18 are now eligible to request the AstraZeneca vaccine from their GP.


Eastbrooke doctors will always put patient safety first, so we continue to recommend that regardless of age, anyone concerned about the vaccination and its effect on underlying health conditions should consult with their GP.


Please understand that supply is limited, and every clinic will be issued a limited number of doses each. Your COVID-19 Vaccination appointment can be made only by calling the clinic.


In some instances, new patients to an Eastbrooke clinic may be required to provide a copy of their health summary from their usual GP.


Eastbrooke currently does not have the Pfizer vaccine but will commence rollout in July 2021. Information on availability will be available on individual clinic websites.

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