01/12/2011 Eastbrooke wins Primary Care Infrastructure Grant for Carlton NSW Eastbrooke has successfully secured a Primary Care Infrastructure Grant from the Department of Health and Ageing, for our medical centre in Carlton, NSW.
01/12/2011 Eastbrooke Belmont raises $700 for Movember 2011 The Eastbrooke Family Clinic in Belmont Victoria has raised $700 to go towards the Movember Men’s Health initiative.
21/11/2011 Dr Cindy Deng joins Easbtooke Medical Centre Blacktown We would like to welcome Dr Cindy Deng to the Eastbrooke Medical Centre Blacktown. Dr Deng is a very highly qualified family GP with significant medical experience in both general practice and emergency medicine.
18/11/2011 Eastbrooke stands by GPs Primary Health Care recently launched a $1.5 million dollar court case against two GPs for allegedly departing from their medical centre while still under contract, in order to join an Eastbrooke Medical Centre.
03/01/2011 Eastbrooke donates $30,000 to Australian social services group The Eastbrooke Family Clinic in Belmont, Victoria has raised $30,000 for Gateways Support Services to enable 20 pre-school children to receive autism assessments.